High-Tech Startups Cut Costs with this Innovative Approach to Software Development

Software developers generally work according to the best available industry standards, with a one-size-fits-all mindset. For tried and true products these standards may serve you well. However, if you have a high-tech product that is still evolving and hasn’t quite found its market yet, you may find that even the latest industry practices are costly, weighing you down and leaving you inflexible.

As a startup founder, how long would it take you to realize that something you built wasn’t working? Founders with experience in innovation constantly test their educated guesses on the market so they can find out earlier if they need to try something new. For software, this often means throwing out failed code and quickly delivering new code to test.

Even if your developers give you high quality code design and system architecture, if what they build is part of a failed test, then those hours and resources become costs. When experienced founders are developing a new product, they know they only have to put enough resources into a test to get a result back. By iterating cheaply at first, they save the bulk of their development resources for fleshing out proven, marketable solutions instead of robust solutions to the wrong problems.

When it comes to improving your product, status-quo software development is pretty good at adding surface features over time. Where it has trouble is in altering the underlying components once they are in place. What if, instead of working from pre-conceived blueprints, we started light and simple? Innovation-minded developers prefer to work feature by feature. This means they can tweak the balance of their designs until the blueprint best fits the needs of the end user. Only when they are sure that the blueprint is right do they ramp up to a fully fledged product.

It’s important to choose the right toolset for the job and know which type of developer you are looking for. When you’re on a well-defined path, a traditional developer may be the best choice to reach your goal. However, if you find yourself locked into a solution to the wrong problem, why not try something new? For founders creating high-tech products who need the flexibility to experiment and adapt, Innovation-Minded Software Developers make essential team members.

Published on January 22, 2018 by Vinko Buble

Embracing Failure Leads to Expedited Innovation and More Robust Solutions

March 12, 2018 by Vinko Buble

With so much value placed on rapid growth and innovation, it’s easy to get caught up in the fear of failure. Today’s high tech founders can benefit from the wisdom of history’s innovators like Thomas Edison, who understood that finding out what doesn’t work is a valuable step toward discovering what does.

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